Thursday, December 4, 2008

Help Kush fight the abuse of South Asian women.

This December Kush Hand-knotted Carpets will donate 50% of every sale of South Asian Patchwork Textiles to Progressive Women's Association in Pakistan. The PWA provides shelter, medical care, legal assistance and counseling to women victims of abuse in the region. To learn more about the group please visit their website:

The unique textiles are hand-made from colorful, sequined and embroidered remnants and scraps of saris and ceremonial garments-- the ultimate expression of recycling as art.
Check out the dedicated web gallery to see a sampling of the wall hangings at

They were a sell-out last year during the holiday season as they make wonderful and meaningful gifts. There are 50 pieces available through this program, and the cost of $120 each. If all are sold Kush will send $3000 to the assistance of women in South Asia-- a great contribution.

As owners of a business that relies on individuals, families and communities throughout South Asia and the Middle East, Brian and Rebecca of Kush Hand-knotted Carpets feel called to do what they can in support of the health and wellbeing of the most vulnerable in these regions. For this reason Kush supports groups like Rugmark and Care and Fair, dedicated to ensuring fair pay, safe work environments, and age standards for the weavers of Kush carpets.

The problem of violence against women in weaving countries is a less publicized injustice. Each year thousands of women are victims of abuse throughout South Asia. The recent story about an attack against Pakistani real estate agent, written by the New York Time's Nicholas Kristof presented an opportunity for action. Progressive Women's Association in Pakistan, the small but inspiring organization led by Shahnaz Bukhari, has worked for nearly a decade to give Pakistani women a voice in a society that has long silenced them.

To show your support in this endeavor stop by Kush gallery, select one of these wonderful works of art by Rajasthani women, and help Kush lend a hand to the Progressive Women's Association.