Thursday, November 15, 2007

It takes a couple of weeks for a trip to India to settle in. Eventually, the outer surface of the experience washes off your skin; a henna tattoo on your palm growing paler and weaker with every good scrub until all that remains is one dark spot of pigment, an oversaturation point right smack dab in the middle of your lifeline. And, for a short time, the whisper of elaborate design on a fingerpad.

People ask how my trip was and I say to them:

"Have you been there?"

India is indescribable. It is exasperating, reflective and honest. India is breathtaking. The only way to describe it is to show it, and so I share these photos. Snapshots from my hip as I moved through this tremendous country.

Want to see more pictures from this trip? Want to see pictures from past trips? Click here:

Let us know what you think!